Ben M Cramer Ben M Cramer

Hugo Resources.

Here’s a sampling of the various resources/reference sites I have saved for my Obsidian -> Hugo workflow

Helpful Code Snips / Quick Reference lines

to change in command prompt to e drive

CD /D E:\File\File\File

to build site


to view local site at http://localhost:1313/

hugo server

to end the local server, hit ctrl+c in the command prompt window

The green I use for the site redesign is #06ff00

Note: Remember two digits for both month and day in post frontmatter also for links, they should reference /posts/ first, and spaces should be rendered as dashes. (I wonder if there’s a setting in Obsidian to do this by default?)

and for images in blog posts, they go in static/images to call them in a file, type ![alt text](./../../images/filename.extension)